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Please take a minute to review the following upgrade options. We want to make sure that you can purchase the right product. With 26 years of product upgrades, and now Mac and Windows versions, addressing every possible TheSkyX Pro upgrade combination is not easy! Thanks so much for bearing with us. TheSkyX Professional Edition Upgrade Options The table below attempts to address most TheSkyX Professional Edition Upgrade options. I own this product. And I want to upgrade to TheSkyX Professional Edition.

Option 1. if you have not done so. Purchase one of the following: Mac:. Windows:. If you want TheSkyX Pro on both Mac and Windows, consider purchasing the optional. If you already own multiple Software Bisque products, and want to have single serial number, downloadable access to essentially every Software Bisque product (including TheSkyX Pro for Mac and Windows, the, Camera Add On and Dome Add On), consider the. Option 2 TheSky6 Professional Edition.

Purchase one of TheSkyX Pro upgrades listed in above. Option 3 TheSky Version 5 Level IV or TheSky Version 4 Level IV. Purchase one of TheSkyX Pro upgrades listed in above. Option 4 All other versions of TheSky not covered above, or below. If your version of TheSky does not have a serial number, then please email the with proof of purchase to receive a Coupon Code. Use the supplied Coupon Code to purchase one of the products listed in above. Option 5 Paramount ME (less than 90 days) NOTE: This option has expired.

if you have not done so. Email the with proof of purchase of the Paramount ME to receive a Coupon Code for TheSkyX Professional Edition ($70 upgrade cost). Use the supplied Coupon Code to purchase one of the products listed in above.

Option 6 TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition. Purchase. Option 7 TheSky6 Professional Edition and paid full price for TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition. Email the with proof of purchase for TheSky6 Professional Edition and TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition to receive a Coupon Code. Use the supplied Coupon Code to purchase one of the products listed in above. Option 8 Any other scenario not otherwise described.

Email the with proof of purchase of the product you own for a Coupon Code (subject to eligibility) that can be applied toward the purchase of one of TheSkyX Pro upgrades listed in above. Use the supplied Coupon Code to purchase one of the products listed in above. TPoint Add On Upgrade Options Software Bisque sold a legacy product called TPoint Telescope Pointing Analysis System for Windows that was compatible with TheSky6 Professional Edition for Windows. For TheSkyX Professional Edition, all of the functionality that was available in TPoint for Windows has been integrated into the optional TPoint Add On. Registered TPoint for Windows owners are eligible to purchase the.

If you have not done so, please register your before purchasing the. Registered TheSky6 Pro and TPoint for Windows owners are eligible to purchase the Software Bisque Universal Subscription Upgrade.

Note that TheSkyX Professional Edition cannot be used with TPoint for Windows. (Existing TPoint models must be imported into the TPoint Add On.) Universal Subscription Upgrade Options The gives downloadable access to nearly every Software Bisque software product. If you own registered licenses for one or more Software Bisque products from both groups below, you are eligible to purchase the:. TheSkyX Professional Edition or TheSky6 Professional Edition and.

TheSkyX Camera Add On or CCDSoft Version 5. TheSkyX TPoint Add On or TPoint Telescope Pointing Analysis for Windows. TheSkyX Dome Add On or AutomaDome Dome Control Software Or,. Are a registered owner Please before purchasing the.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is TheSkyX Professional Edition? TheSkyX Professional Edition for Mac OS X or TheSkyX Professional Edition for Windows is the next major release of TheSky Professional Edition astronomy software. Replaces TheSky6 Professional Edition for Windows. Brings many of the unique, exciting Professional Edition features to Mac OS X. Has TheSkyX Professional Edition been released?

Was released on April 17, 2010 at NEAF and can be purchased from the Software Bisque Store. I own TheSky6 Professional Edition for Windows. Can I upgrade to TheSkyX Professional Edition for Mac? A3. See above.

I own TheSky6 Professional Edition? Am I eligible to upgrade to TheSkyX Professional Edition? See on the Software Bisque Store. Where can I purchase TheSkyX Professional Edition?

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TheSkyX Professional Edition is available on the. What features are included in TheSkyX Professional Edition that are not in TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition? TheSkyX Professional Edition includes all the, plus, plus the following additional features that are not available in other TheSkyX Student or Serious Astronomer Editions:.

control (improved from TheSky6 Pro). PrecisionPEC for Windows functionality is now integrated into TheSkyX Pro (Paramount mounts, only). Image Link (greatly improved from TheSky6 Professional Edition) and precision automated astrometry. All Sky Image Link. Native FITS reading/writing/display capabilities. TheSky6-compatible Windows COM automation model (for scripting and support of third-party Windows automation software).

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JavaScript scripting, with a JavaScript editor and debugger built-in. Mosiac capabilities (improved from TheSky6). Create custom tours of astronomical events. Import and place photos on the sky chart. Export high-resolution (vector- and raster-based) star charts. Access Digitized Sky Survey photos from the web or RealSky/DSS media-based formats. Basic SBIG camera control (Mac and Windows) for automated pointing calibration.

Automated telescope pointing calibration (requires the optional TPoint Add On and the Camera Add On). Optional Dome Control Add On (similar to AutomaDome for Windows). Optional includes new star and other object databases (including the 80 GB NOMAD star catalog and the 8 GB UCAC3 star catalog, and the 10x Palomar Sky Survey. Will TheSkyX Professional Edition support Linux? TheSkyX Professional Edition is available now for Universal Subscription members.

Is TheSkyX Professional Edition compatible with Windows 10? I paid full price for TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition, AND I have a registered license of TheSky6 Professional Edition. What is the cost to upgrade to TheSkyX Professional Edition? TheSky6 Professional Edition upgrade cost to TheSkyX Professional Edition is $225.00, TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition (Download Only) cost is $149.00. The difference is $76.00. Shipping and handling fees apply if you want to receive the TheSkyX Professional Edition (Box+Download). Please provide the your and your and full price proof of puchase (Software Bisque web order number or invoice number) to receive a coupon code that will allow you to purchase TheSkyX Professional Edition at the appropriate discount.

I 'upgraded' to TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition, from TheSky6 Professional Edition (this is technically a 'downgrade'). What is the cost to now to upgrade to TheSkyX Professional Edition? TheSky6 Professional Edition upgrade cost to TheSkyX Professional Edition is $225.00, TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition Upgrade (Download Only) cost is $99.00. The difference, and therefore the upgrade cost for this scenario, is $126.00.

Shipping and handling fees apply if you want to receive the TheSkyX Professional Edition (Box+Download). Please provide the your and your to receive a coupon code that will allow you to purchase TheSkyX Professional Edition at the appropriate discount.

I purchased a license for TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition and do not own TheSky6 Professional Edition. What is the cost to upgrade to TheSkyX Professional Edition?

The cost to upgrade from TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition to TheSkyX Professional Edition is the difference is price between the two editions. TheSkyX Professional Edition costs $349.00, TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition (Download) costs $149.00. The difference is $200.00. Shipping and handling fees apply if you want to receive the TheSkyX Professional Edition (Box+Download). Please provide the your to receive a coupon code that will allow you to purchase TheSkyX Professional Edition at the appropriate discount. I purchased TheSky6 Professional Edition for Windows for the retail price of $279.00 less than 90 days before the release of TheSkyX Professional Edition.

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What is my upgrade price to TheSkyX Pro? TheSkyX Professional Edition was released on April 17, 2010 at NEAF. If you have purchased TheSky6 Pro (or a Paramount ME that includes TheSky6 Pro) in the past three months (90 days), you are eligible to purchase TheSkyX Professional Edition for the difference in price between the retail cost of TheSky6 Professional Edition ($279.00) and the retail price of TheSkyX Professional Edition ($349.00), which is $70.00. This offer has expired. Shipping and handling fees apply if you want to receive the TheSkyX Pro (Boxed). Please provide the your to receive a coupon code that will allow you to purchase TheSkyX Professional Edition at a discount. I purchased a Paramount ME after January 17, 2010 (or, 90 days or less before to TheSkyX Pro release).

What is the upgrade price to TheSkyX Pro in this situation? See the answer immediately above here. Is TPoint for Windows compatible with TheSkyX Professional Edition? TheSkyX Professional Edition is not compatible with TPoint for Windows.

TheSky6 Professional Edition/TPoint for Windows must also upgrade to the. Note that the TPoint Add On can be used for a 90 day trial period, and your existing pointing data can be 'imported' into the TPoint Add On.

What is TheSkyX Pro Database Add On? A15. The to TheSkyX Professional Edition is a collection of 200 GB of star catalogs (native and optimized NOMAD and UCAC3), as well as the entire Digitized Sky Survey (10x compressed photographic data for the entire celestial sphere). These catalogs are distributed on a USB hard drive and can be purchased from the Software Bisque Store. Am I eligible to upgrade to TheSkyX Professional Edition from TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition after my subscription has expired?

To view TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition to TheSkyX Professional Edition upgrade options on the Software Bisque Store. Can TheSkyX and TheSky6 be installed to, and run on a single computer? Must TheSky6 be installed on the computer when upgrading to TheSkyX? TheSkyX and TheSkyX installer is entirely independent of TheSky6, so TheSky6 need not be present to install TheSkyX.

SKY GO is rubbish the new software app written by Cisco doen't work on my Macbook Pro. I've deleted every single video capture device with exception of iTunes which is part of the operating system.

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I've been to Activity Monitor and reviewed over 200 possbile processes to no avail. Tech support at Sky tell me that I must be running somthing in the background. This may be true but a simple app shuoldn't require advanced computer diagnositcs to work. Nothing is running in the background.

I have a similar BT Sport App that I can use on my phone, PS4, laptop and PC without problem. So what do I do? I filed this complaint a few months ago and the Sky media help team called me today with a fix. Try creating a new user profile on your mac then shut down your mac. Turn your mac back on and login to the new user profile. Download the sky go app (ensure you have a free space on your devices on your sky account).

You should be able to watch your programmes and the app should work fine. This worked for me, the customers that can't use the new sky go app like myself have something stopping cisco video player on there regular profile (maybe a process on the activity monitor, the sky team haven't figured it out just yet).To clarify the problem with my sky go app was that when I went to click a programme to watch I would get a black screen and spinning wheel, no error codes showed for me. So this fix might only work for this particular problem.