Driver Details Device Doctor has identified an update for your computer. Below you will find the direct download link for this driver. The download is free but make sure to create a for your Windows 7 or Vista (or if you are using Windows XP try ) - the restore point will help you restore your computer if the downloaded driver doesn't work for you. Filename: Notice: Undefined index: filename in /var/www/ on line 55 File size: Notice: Undefined index: size in /var/www/ on line 56 0 KB Download: Driver Feedback Did this driver work for you? If it didn't please let us know so that we can improve our driver database matching -.

Usually means there is a problem with the driver. Have a look in device manager.

Start, Control panel, system, then device manager, click on the sound video and games controllers icon, and you should see the yellow icon next to the problem hardware. Right click and select properties, and it should let you know if its a driver problem or conflict. I found that 'removing ' the device and rebooting windows worked. Windows picked up the card and reinstalled the drivers itself. Hope this helps ( Running XP now, so ME is a littly hazy, but I think its right! Hi, I thought that my problem was solved but I guess that it isn't.
If I remove it like that then restart it - not completely shutting it down, the yellow exclaimation point is gone, but if I shut it completely down then it is back again. I have tried to reinstall the driver and it does the same thing - I will think that I have fixed it until I shut it completely down. Then the next morning there it is back again. I had a new hard drive installed a couple of weeks ago. Could there be a problem with the hard drive and the MPU-401 Compatible MIDI Device?
Everything seems to be working good other than that darn yellow exclaimation point under the device manger. Should I just ignore it? Is it not important?? Or if I ignore it will it turn into a bigger problem?? Hi, seems a bit odd this.
Mpu 401 Midi Device Drivers For Mac Mac
I presume that the drivers are installed correctly, and that the card itself is seated properly on the motherboard? What does it say in device manager? Is this a MIDI card, or is it the midi function on a sound card? Have you checked the manufacturers website for driver updates? Its worth looking at all these.
If you have already done that, it may be worth removing the drivers etc, then moving the card to another PCI slot, its not rocket science if you havent done it before, and only takes a few minutes. Let me know if no joy! Midi can be a bit on a pain to be honest, I had to dump my Yamaha XG card when I went to Win XP!
Hi, Thanks for the replies! I am not sure what the man. Of the sound card is but I think that it is Intel??
Where do I look to find it out?? The serial # is Systemax 003731973 It is so wierd, if I shut down the computer completely - no matter what I do it comes back with the yellow exclaimation point in the device manager.

But if I just reboot it without completely shutting it down it doesn't have the yellow exclaimation mark, so weird! Why would it do that?? I was looking under System Information - System Summary and under Problem Devices it was there: MPU.401compatibleMIDIACPI.PNPB006 0 with the Error Code of 10 - What does that all mean?? Thanks for your help!! Can you list what appears in your Device Manager under Sound, Video, and Game Controllers? Right-click My Computer Properties Hardware Device Manager Or, goto Control Panel Sounds & Audio Audio tab and see what's listed under Playback Trying to figure out what kind of sound controller you have.Maybe we can find a more updated driver somewhere else on the internet.
Also, do you have the Driver Resource CD that came with the system? Here are instructions for re-installing all the system drivers. (Got them from Driver Resource CD (Advanced Recovery and Diagnostics) Reinstalling Drivers using the Driver Resource CD (Advanced Recovery and Diagnostics) You can reinstall drivers anytime you suspect a problem with hardware suddenly not working correctly. With the system powered on and at the Windows desktop, place the Driver Resource CD in your CD-ROM or DVD drive. The program should automatically start and you should see an introduction screen as the program detects your operating system. When the main screen comes up, choose the 'Install Drivers' button, then follow the on-screen instructions.
You may be prompted to restart your system after the drivers install. This is normal. Hi, Under the Sound, video & game controllers there is: AC'97 Driver for Intel (r) 82801AA Controller Gameport Joystick MPU-401 Compatible MIDI Device (this one has a yellow exclaimation mark) Wave Device for Voice Modem For Sound Playback: Preferred device- AC'97 Sound Card MIDI Music Playback referred Device: Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth Yes, I still have the Driver Resource CD that came with my computer. But my computer has a new hard drive installed (1/14/03) would that make a difference?
Can I still use the Driver Resource CD that came with my computer or would the drivers have changed somehow?? My computer lack of knowledge is showing. Haha I have tried to install just the one driver for the MIDI device and it shows the yellow mark gone until I completely shut the computer down, then when I reboot completely it is back again. Why, I have no idea! Well, I tried to update it: Start - Control Panel - System - Device Manager - Sound, Video & Game Controllers - MPU - 401 Compatible MIDI Device - Driver Tab - Click Update Driver.
By Specify the Location - Next -. By Search for better driver - check by Removable Floppy, CD Rom -. By Specify location - I put J: - put in CD Driver and it searched through everything and then said that its a Windows Driver File and that the best driver Windows Format is already installed: C:/Windows/inf/wdmaudio.inf I shut down computer completely and turned it back on and still the same - yellow exclaimation mark by it.
I don't know what else to do. Guess, it won't hurt to leave it the way that it is as I don't do anything musical with it.
Thanks for all your help!