Steinberg has announced compatibility status for its apps with the recently introduceds Windows 7 and OS X Snow Leopard:. The Cubase line of products fully supports both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard with the maintenance update release of version 5.1.1 for Cubase 5, Cubase Studio 5, Cubase Essential 5 and Cubase AI 5.
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The Cubase LE 4 and Cubase AI 4 versions have been tested and certified for Windows 7, with no further updates required. To ensure compatibility with Snow Leopard, a patch is now available for Cubase LE 4 and Cubase AI 4. Sequel 2 is certified to be fully Windows 7 compatible, with no further updates required. An update for full compatibility with Snow Leopard is now also available. Updates for the hardware products CC121, MR816 CSX/X and CI2 now offer support for both Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6.
Please note that running Cubase AI 4 together with the new Snow Leopard compatible MR /CC drivers is currently unsupported because it hasn’t undergone significant testing. VST instruments HALion 3.5, HALion Symphonic Orchestra 1.5, HALion Player 3, The Grand 3 and Groove Agent 3 have been certified as compatible with Windows 7, with no further updates required. HALion 3.5 is already fully compatible with Snow Leopard, but the remaining VST instruments require an update which will be release in Quarter 1 of 2010. Micro star ms 7336 drivers for mac. Steinberg also says that their developers are currently working on a Windows 7 compatible update for the WaveLab family of products, which is expected to be released in the Quarter 1 of 2010.
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Link:. Twitter More From: STEINBERG. 29-Nov-18. 14-Nov-18.
14-Nov-18. 02-Nov-18. 19-Oct-18.
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Select Applications - Utilities, and then double-click Audio MIDI Setup. Select AG06/AG03 from the list on the left side of the Audio Devices window. If the Audio Devices window is not displayed, in the menu select Window - Show Audio Window. Control-click AG06/AG03 in the list, and select Use this device for sound output. In the same way, control-click AG06/AG03 in the list, and select Use this device for sound input. After completing steps 3 and 4, mic and speaker icons will appear next to the AG series unit in the list.
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Quit Audio MIDI Setup 6. Turn the (icon) level knob to adjust the input level (volume) from the computer. Adjust the balance with the other channels, while turning the two knobs in the MONITOR section to adjust the overall volume.