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You should add the table to the document using Document.Add if you want automatic splitting of the rows across pages. Then SplitLate and SplitRows will work as expected. When SplitLate = true (default) the table will be split before the next row that does fit on the page.

How to split a table on pages for mac 10

When SplitLate = false the row that does not fully fit on the page will be split. When SplitRows = true (default) the row that does not fit on a page will be split. When SplitRows = false the row will be omitted. So. SplitLate && SplitRows: A row that does not fit on the page will be started on the next page and eventually split if it does not fit on that page either. SplitLate &&!SplitRows: A row that does not fit on the page will be started on the next page and omitted if it does not fit on that page either.!SplitLate && SplitRows: A row that does not fit on the page will be split and continued on the next page and split again if it too large for the next page too.!SplitLate &&!SplitRows: I'm a little unsure about this one.


How To Split A Table On Pages For Mac Free

But from the sources it looks like it's the same as SplitLate &&!SplitRows: A row that does not fit on the page will be started on the next page and omitted if it does not fit on that page either. But as for your question: Document.Add will only be usable if the table is not needed to be absolutely positioned. But it's seems like there is a way to do it though by adding the table to a ColumnText (it's actually a ColumnText object that does all the table splitting) and then absolutely positioning that ColumnText. Mac os 10.8 update.

I haven't looked into it yet, but I will as soon as I get a little more time:). When I was working with tables in iTextSharp, I found this resource useful: See the section entitled 'Large tables'. The tutorial includes a sample; I hope you haven't seen this before.

I don't recall splitting tables across pages being an issue. A problem I did have though was I wanted individual rows to be able to span pages. For this, I set the SplitLate property of my PdfPTable to false. Edit I checked through your code and compared it to mine. The big difference I saw was that I'm not adding my PdfPTable to my Document using the PdfPTable.WriteSelectedRows method. Instead I call the Document's Add method, passing in my PdfPTable with all the cells set.

(BTW we load our PdfPCells in a similar manner.) I wonder if a PdfPTable written to a Document via WriteSelectedRows is causing your problem. You can also see if your code works if you don't add the HeaderFooter.