. Miriam de Abreu Almeida 2015-04-01 Full Text Available Objective. Select and validate the clinical indicators to monitor patients on risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion, according to the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC. Validation study carried out between November 2012 and August 2013, in a Brazilian hospital. Seventeen judges nurses evaluated the clinical indicators of Nursing Outcomes, according to NOC for patients on risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion. In the first stage, were selected the nursing results for the assessment of the studied diagnosis and, in the second nurses assessment the importance of the indicators of the validated results in the previous step through a five points Likert scale (1 = not important to 5 = extremely important. Were used the content validity index (CVI that corresponds to the calculation of weighted averages of them marks awarded for each indicator, as it considered the following weights: 1=0.00, 2=0.25, 3=0.50; 4=0.75; 5=1.00.
For categorization, the CVI considered as critical = ≥0.80; supplementary =≥0.50 to 0.79 and were disposed results. Hadjikostova, Hr. 1998-01-01 Volume lung reduction surgery (LVRS) improves lung function and physical tolerance for selected patients with severe pulmonary emphysema by making conditions for developing of the vital parenchyma so far compressed by the emphysema blisters. The aim of this study was to establish the comparative functional information obtained from REST/STRESS lung perfusion tomoscintigraphies for identification of non functional lung tissue. Eleven patients (8 males and 3 females at age 41-60) were examined by two lung perfusions SPECT scintigraphies after intravenous application of 222 MBq 99m Tc-MAA: 1. After 30 min. Lying rest and 2.
48 hours later after 6 min. Comparing the two scintigraphies the following changes in perfusion performance have been established at STRESS examination: increased at six patients (significant at three and slight also at three) and decreased at two. There was no difference between REST and STRESS examinations at 3 patients.
Comparative REST/STRESS lung perfusion scintigraphy is important method for screening severe pulmonary patients for LVRS. (author). Sun, Chang-Jin; Li, Chao; Lv, Hai-Bo; Zhao, Cong; Yu, Jin-Ming; Wang, Guang-Hui; Luo, Yun-Xiu; Li, Yan; Xiao, Mingyong; Yin, Jun; Lang, Jin-Yi 2014-01-01 The aim of this study was to evaluate the oxygen partial pressure of the rabbit model of the VX2 tumor using a 64-slice perfusion CT and to compare the results with that obtained using the oxygen microelectrode method. Perfusion CT was performed for 45 successfully constructed rabbit models of a VX2 brain tumor.
The perfusion values of the brain tumor region of interest, the blood volume (BV), the time to peak (TTP) and the peak enhancement intensity (PEI) were measured. The results were compared with the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) of that region of interest obtained using the oxygen microelectrode method. The perfusion values of the brain tumor region of interest in 45 successfully constructed rabbit models of a VX2 brain tumor ranged from 1.3-127.0 (average, 21.1 ± 26.7 ml/min/ml); BV ranged from 1.2-53.5 ml/100g (average, 22.2 ± 13.7 ml/100g); PEI ranged from 8.7-124.6 HU (average, 43.5 ± 28.7 HU); and TTP ranged from 8.2-62.3 s (average, 38.8 ± 14.8 s). The PO2 in the corresponding region ranged from 0.14-47 mmHg (average, 16 ± 14.8 mmHg).

The perfusion CT positively correlated with the tumor PO2, which can be used for evaluating the tumor hypoxia in clinical practice. Lin Wang Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The basic strategy to construct tissue engineered bone graft (TEBG is to combine osteoblastic cells with three dimensional (3D scaffold. Based on this strategy, we proposed the 'Totally Vitalized TEBG' (TV-TEBG which was characterized by abundant and homogenously distributed cells with enhanced cell proliferation and differentiation and further investigated its biological performance in repairing segmental bone defect. METHODS: In this study, we constructed the TV-TEBG with the combination of customized flow perfusion seeding/culture system and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP scaffold fabricated by Rapid Prototyping (RP technique. We systemically compared three kinds of TEBG constructed by perfusion seeding and perfusion culture (PSPC method, static seeding and perfusion culture (SSPC method, and static seeding and static culture (SSSC method for their in vitro performance and bone defect healing efficacy with a rabbit model. RESULTS: Our study has demonstrated that TEBG constructed by PSPC method exhibited better biological properties with higher daily D-glucose consumption, increased cell proliferation and differentiation, and better cell distribution, indicating the successful construction of TV-TEBG. After implanted into rabbit radius defects for 12 weeks, PSPC group exerted higher X-ray score close to autograft, much greater mechanical property evidenced by the biomechanical testing and significantly higher new bone formation as shown by histological analysis compared with the other two groups, and eventually obtained favorable healing efficacy of the segmental bone defect that was the closest to autograft transplantation.
Un-scan-it Gelun-scan-it Gel 5.3 For Macbook Pro
CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the feasibility of TV-TEBG construction with combination of perfusion seeding, perfusion culture and RP technique which exerted excellent biological properties. The application of TV-TEBG may become a preferred candidate for segmental bone defect repair in orthopedic and. Margonato, A; Ballarotto, C; Bonetti, F; Cappelletti, A; Sciammarella, M; Cianflone, D; Chierchia, S L 1992-04-01 The assessment of residual myocardial viability in infarcted areas is relevant for subsequent management and prognosis but requires expensive technology. To evaluate the possibility that simple, easily obtainable clinical markers may detect the presence of within-infarct viable tissue, the significance of exercise-induced ST elevation occurring in leads exploring the area of a recent Q wave myocardial infarction was assessed. Twenty-five patients with recent (less than 6 months) myocardial infarction were studied. All had angiographically documented coronary artery disease, diagnostic Q waves (n = 24) or negative T waves (n = 25) on the rest 12-lead electrocardiogram and exhibited during exercise greater than or equal to 1.5 mm ST segment elevation (n = 17) or isolated T wave pseudonormalization (n = 8) in the infarct-related leads. ST-T wave changes were reproduced in all patients during thallium-201 exercise myocardial scintigraphy.
A fixed perfusion defect was observed in 24 of the 25 patients. A reversible defect was seen in 16 (94%) of 17 patients who exhibited transient ST elevation during exercise but in only 4 (50%) of the 8 patients who had only T wave pseudonormalization. In conclusion, in patients with recent myocardial infarction, analysis of simple ST segment variables obtained during exercise testing may allow a first-line discrimination of those who may potentially benefit from a revascularization procedure. Usui, A; Yasuura, K; Watanabe, T; Maseki, T 1999-05-01 Selection of a brain protection method is a primary concern for aortic arch surgery.
We performed a retrospective study to compare the respective advantages and disadvantages of retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP) and selective cerebral perfusion (SCP) in patients who underwent surgery for acute type A aortic dissection. The study reviewed 166 patients who underwent surgery at Nagoya University or its eight branch hospitals between January 1990 and August 1996.
There were 91 patients who received SCP and 75 patients who underwent RCP. Results for these two groups were compared. There were no significant differences in age, gender, Marfan syndrome rate, DeBakey classification, or emergency operation rate.
Rates of various preoperative complications were similar except for aortic valve regurgitation. Arch replacement was performed more often in SCP than in RCP patients (49% vs. 27%, P = 0.0028). There were no significant differences between groups in cardiac ischemic time or visceral organ ischemic time.
However, RCP group showed shorter cardio-pulmonary bypass time (297+/-99 vs. 269+/-112 min, P = 0.013) and lower the lowest core temperature (21.6+/-3.1 degrees C vs. 18.7+/-2.1 degrees C, P = 0.0001). SCP duration was longer than RCP duration (103+/-56 vs. 54+/-24 min, P RCP patients were not significantly different from SCP patients with regard to any postoperative complication, neurological dysfunction (16 vs.
19%), or operative mortality (all deaths within the hospitalization; 24 vs. Regarding neurologic dysfunction, there were six cases of coma, six of motor paralysis, two of paraplegia and one of visual loss among SCP patients, and eight cases of coma, three of motor paralysis, and three of convulsion in the RCP group. The incidence of motor paralysis was higher in the SCP group, while the incidence of coma was higher in the RCP group. RCP can be performed without clamping or cannulation of the cervical arteries, which is an advantage in reducing the. Michael A. Fallucco 2017-06-01 Full Text Available The Fluobeam® is a portable, near-infrared camera that is held and controlled by the surgeon to visualize tissue perfusion using indocyanine green (ICG fluorescence imaging.
This case report describes how data obtained from ICG imaging allows intraoperative customization in a previously surgically scarred abdomen during autologous Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator (DIEP flap bilateral breast reconstruction. The outcome was successful breast mound recreation without fat necrosis. Krishnamohan, Anirudh; Siriwardana, Viraj; Skowno, Justin J 2016-11-01 Peripheral vasodilation is a well-recognized side effect of general anesthesia, and induces changes in the amplitude of the pulse plethysmograph (PPG) waveform. This can be continuously quantitaed using the Perfusion Index (PI), a ratio of the pulsatile to nonpulsatile signal amplitude in the PPG waveform.
We hypothesized that the perfusion index would rise with the induction of anesthesia in children, and fall with emergence, and performed a prospective, observational study to test this. Our primary aim was to test whether the different clinical stages of anesthesia were associated with changes in the perfusion index, and the secondary aim was to test the correlation between the normalized perfusion index and the MAC value.
Twenty-one patients between the ages of 1 and 18 undergoing minor procedures with no anticipated painful stimuli were recruited. Patients with significant illnesses were excluded. Data collection commenced with a preinduction baseline, and data were collected continuously, with event marking, until completion of the anesthesia and removal of the pulse oximeter.
Data collected included perfusion index, heart rate, and anesthetic gas concentration values. A normalized perfusion index was calculated by subtracting the initial baseline perfusion index value from all perfusion index values, allowing changes, from a standardized initial baseline value of zero, to be analyzed. During induction, the mean normalized perfusion index rose from 0.0 to 4.2, and then declined to 0.470 when the patients returned to consciousness.