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How to have a moving video wallpaper on your mac and its all free!:D in my awesome tech tutorial in HD! Sdwcfb-128 driver for mac. Watch in and HD and Subscibe! Please;) The links I promised Wallsaver: SaveHollywood.

One more thing I left out on the video to choose your video you wish to have as a background. Open Wallsaver, Go to Preferences and at the Bottom where it says Screen Saver hit Choose and from that list select 'SaveHollywood' then go to System Preferences to choose what video you want in SaveHollywood. Then just follow the videos instructions. Thanks for watching!:) and please Subscribe!!

SaveHollywood is a Screen Saver module for OS X 10.8 or later. It lets you play movies when your Mac enters screen saver mode. SaveHollywood lets you define which movies you want to be played.

Savehollywood Mac Os


You can either add a movie or a folder of movies. You can play: movies shot with your iPhone®, iPad® or iPod® touch. Movie trailers (for example from the iTunes Movie Trailers website). Training materials (for example: WWDC sessions, video podcasts, exported Keynote® documents) etc.

You can sort movies manually so that they get played in the order you like or you can choose to play them in random order.