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Guzzidiag info for mac
  1. Guzzidiag Info For Mac Download

The last 2 years I've been busy with others to work on diagnosics for the guzzi ECU and now reflashing it too. First diagostics, Guzzidiag can diagnose all Guzzi ecu, from p7 to 5am. All values were checked agains my Axone. Needed is a vag 409.1 cable with a Fiat adapter.

Guzzidiag info for mac

Software is here and needs no instalation, linux and apple version too. You can set errors and tps with the ecu's that can do that: a typical screen, langage can be set in options.


Guzzidiag Info For Mac Download

Now we work on the programming of the 15m and 15rc ecu as found on the V11. The tool to download the ecu map is ready Editing the map is done woth Tunerpro, an free map editing program. The config so that it understands the Guzzi map can you get from me. And the upload tool is reday. Further we try to collect all types of guzzi maps to get a library, so mail downloaded maps to guzzidiag@gmail.com A view of how editing works. So if we look at the view of the ‘how the editing works’ we see the top left cell has 84.14 @8500 = 195 I assume this means Wide open Throttle = 84.14 degrees and that at 8,500 rpm we deliver 195.0 fuel.

What does the 195 mean, is it a quantity or weight of fuel, is it the injection duration? I ask as a typical figure for the MyECU would be Wide Open Throttle at 8,143rpm = 10368 micro seconds injection duration. I am trying to see how the IAW15M ecu map compares with the MyECU map. Many thanks for your excellent work, I can give you loads of tips on the best way to cut your knuckles when heaving on spanners or setting light to things while welding but am a bit slow learning this virtual stuff.

Download services have ended for the software below. The successor software for each provides similar features. Image Data Converter To handle RAW data, use Imaging Edge as described above. Remote Camera Control To operate the camera remotely, use Imaging Edge as described above. Music Transfer PlayMemories Home provides the same function. Start PlayMemories Home and select Tools Music Transfer. Wireless Auto Import PlayMemories Home provides the same function.

Start PlayMemories Home and select Preferences Wireless Auto Import. PMB (Picture Motion Browser) To import and view images, use PlayMemories Home as described above.