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On Friday, third-party password management app 1Password for iOS was upgraded to version 7.1.1, introducing support for Markdown as well as stickers for Messages, a couple of big bug fixes, and more. Here are all the new features added, according to AgileBits':. Markdown support: Following in 1Password for Mac's footsteps, 1Password for iOS now lets you format your Secure Notes using Markdown. This means you can add headers, create lists, italicize whatever you want for emphasis, add tappable links, and other cool stuff. Stickers for Messages: 1Password's own art department has designed a collection of stickers meant to be used in Messages, presumably so you can share your love for secure password management with everyone you talk to.

Icon generation: 1Password now generates icons for items that don't have an icon already. Fixes for prevalent bugs: According to the 1Password team, after receiving feedback from users, this update fixed two widely-reported bugs: 'Searching no longer returns broken or incorrect results, and creating a new item no longer causes 1Password to become unresponsive.' . Updated text: Text across the app has been updated to be more consistent, which makes it feel much tidier. If you don't already have 1Password but are interested in downloading it (that is, now that you can use Markdown and annoy your friends with stickers), you can do so by tapping the link below. You can try it for free for 30 days, but it is a paid app, so after your trial is over you'll have to subscribe.
Wyprzeda Sticker For Macbook
1Password for iOS - Free with IAP - Thoughts? How do you feel about 1Password's new update? If you use the app, what's your favorite feature? Share in the comments below.
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