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Posted by on 18 July 2013 01:00 PM Overview - Java SE 7 This Release Note covers all point releases for the Java SE 7 branch that are offered by eApps. Upgrade instructions are included. Java SE 7 is a major release of the Java Platform, Standard Edition. This release has introduced new functionality and significant changes to the existing Java platform. If you are upgrading from any prior version of Java to Java SE 7, there is a HIGH RISK of data loss and downtime if you do not carefully test your existing application with this new version. EApps recommends, as a best practice, to maintain a staging server where you can test software upgrades before moving them into production. This approach will allow you to minimize the risk of data loss and downtime of your production service when performing software upgrades.

If necessary, you can rebuild your staging Virtual Server on demand so that you have a fresh installation to test on. If you need more information about setting up a staging Virtual Server, please contact. IMPORTANT: Java SE 7 has an extensive list of new features and changes. Upgrading to this version may significantly impact the operation of your applications.

Release Notes Java 7 Update 40 For Mac Download

See the Java SE 7 Release Notes for a list of changes that may cause issues when upgrading:. Please read this document carefully to understand all the changes in the Java SE 7 release. All Java SE 7 documentation is located here: Java SE 7 and above are only available for Virtual Servers running CentOS 6 (ISPmanager). If you are on a CentOS 5 (Webmin) or CentOS 4 (VPS) plan and need Java SE 7, you will need to migrate to a CentOS 6 (ISPmanager) plan. Contact for more information. Highlighted Features and Fixes in Java SE 7 1.7.080 Java SE 7 1.7.080 is the last public release of the Java SE 7 platform.

Release Notes Java 7 Update 40 For Mac

No more updates to this version will be available. Please see the official End of Life (EOL) announcement from Oracle for more information:. Features. New Command-line option to Identify Use of Deprecated Mechanisms (see official release notes for detailed explanation) Fixes. Fix for a JVM crash when using a Kerberos login. Improved performance in ClassLoader.

zlib updated to fix an issue with some gzipped files The official Release Notes for Java SE 7 1.7.080 are available here - Highlighted Features and Fixes in Java SE 7 1.7.076 SSLv3 is disabled by default in Java SE 7 1.7.076 and for all subsequent Java SE 7 releases. Due to security issues SSLv3 is obsolete and should no longer be used. Features Java SE 7 1.7.076 is a bug fix and security release, no new features have been added. Fixes. Fix for ProcessBuilder leaking memory.

Fix for JWS not being authenticated using kerberos. Fixed corrupt attribute value for XML parser The official Release Notes for Java SE 7 1.7.076 are available here - Highlighted Features and Fixes in Java SE 7 1.7.072 All Oracle products that are compliant with SSL v3.0 are vulnerable to POODLE, an exploit in the SSL v3 code. More information about POODLE and which Oracle products are affected is available here -. NOTE - Instructions on how to disable SSL v3.0 in Oracle JDK and JRE to fix the 'POODLE' vulnerability are found here -.

Features Java SE 7 1.7.072 is a bug fix and security release, no new features have been added. Fixes. Fix to introduce system property to maintain RC4 preference order. Resource files updated for TimeZone display names The official Release Notes for Java SE 7 1.7.072 are available here - Highlighted Features and Fixes in Java SE 7 1.7.067 Features Java SE 7 1.7.067 was released to fix a bug in Java SE 7 1.7.065.

No features have been added.

Is now available for download. Java SE 7 Update 40 (7u40) features and enhancements include: advanced monitoring and diagnostic capabilities that enable developers to gather detailed runtime information and perform efficient data analysis without impacting system performance; a new security policy that gives system administrators greater control over Java running on desktops; improved performance and efficiencies for Java on ARM servers and support for Mac OS X retina displays. It also includes bug fixes and enhancements.

Download. Read the. Watch the video. Watch the video Java Mission Control is a set of tools to monitor, manage, profile, and eliminate memory leaks in your Java applications. Java Mission Control together with Java Flight Recorder create a complete tool chain to continuously collect low level and detailed runtime information and enables after-the-fact incident analysis.

The Deployment Rule Set is a new security feature in JDK 7u40 that allows a system administrator to completely control which applets or Java Web Start applications an end user is permitted to execute and which version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is associated with them. Deployment Rule Set provides a common environment to manage employee access in a controlled and secure manner.